July 27, 2014

Contoh Lesson Plan Pendidikan Jasmani dengan Tactical Approach

Berikut ini adalah contoh lesson plan pendidikan jasmani dengan tactical approach atau pendekatan taktik. 

Lesson Plan

Date                : 9 April 2014
Topic              : Forearm Pass
Grade             : X
Time               : 2 x 45 minutes
Subject           : Volleyball

A.    Primery Benchmark :
H3.2 Favour for physical exercise, playing games and sport regulary: observence of right, rules, and regulation; having sport spirit; having true competitive spirit and appreciation of the asthetics of sports.

B.     Secondary Benchmark :
H3.2.1. Do physical exercise and play sports suitable to themselves regulary and use their ccapacities for increasing the potential of the team, decreasing egoism, and bearing in mind the effects on society.

C.    Objectives :
During the learning activity students are able to :
1.      Mention the principle of forearm pass.
2.      Practice forearm pass
3.      Be competitive and team work

D.    Teachinf Preparation/Materials
1.      Balls of volleyball
2.      Whistle
3.      Stopwatch/watch

E.     Activities :
1.      Introduction and Warming up (15 minutes)
·    Teacher gives an explanation about the general information about volleyball and forearm pass
·        Stretching
·        Teacher gives dinamic warming up

2.      Main activity (60 minutes)
a.      Game form
Students are placed in many teams to play the game. Games played by two opposing teams with six player each team. Services performed by thrown. The recieve performed by cathing the ball than throw the ball to the other player of the team to be recieved with forearm pass. After the pass the ball catch by anyplayer to be thrown to the other player untill there are three forearm pass. The attack performed by throw the ball to the opposite team. The game scored if the ball touch the opponent court.
b.      Teaching for understanding
Teacher stops the game and asks questions. “What is the purpose of the for arm pass? Where is the right point of the ball contact with the body? Which the best result of the ball motion is it lower, straight, or parabole?”
c.       Drills for skill development
·      Teacher explain the right posisition to do the forearm pass. Students asume their stance while the teacheer moves around to provide feedback.
·       Students doing the forearm pass alternately
d.      Return to game form
Students play the game again

3.      Review and Closure (15)
a.       Cooling down
b.      Teacher gives review and gives opportunity to the students to review the materials.
c.       Class is closed by giving activity to make the students relax.

Strategies :
1.      Tactical approach
2.      Demonstration

                                                                                                          Yogyakarta, 9 April 2014                                                                                                                                                    To Know
 Mentor                                                                                       Teacher of Physical Education

Mr. X             

                                                                                                            Surya Dhimas Adhitya
                                                                                                             NIM : 12601241084


  1. Apa aja inti dari isi lesson plan, bgm cara buat lesson plan PE secara standart form nya.
    Acuan buku nya nanti di mana dimasukkan nya.
    Mohon pencerahan nya....

    FPOK Bandung
    Salam olahraga

  2. Apakah harus leeson plan pakai bahasa inggris ???? Kendala nya jika bahasa inggris lemah bagaimana mensiasati nya... Terimakasih.
    Mohon pencerahan...

    FPOK Bandung

    1. Untuk di Indonesia tidak ada standar bakunya, Untuk format acuan ada di bukunya Linda Griffin, "Teaching Games for Understanding" . salam olahraga
